Sunday, 5 July 2009

Is FACEBOOK taking over?

A news article today really caught my attention and led me to believe that some individuals within the world really are using Facebook too much...

According to the report, the British Government is currently deciding whether it should still appoint Sir John Sawers as head of MI6 after it came out that his wife had leaked details of his personal information on her Facebook profile page.

MI6 is the Secret Intelligence Service and conducts spying missions across the globe on behalf of the UK Government.

Sawers wife, Lady Shelly Sawers, posted photos of their holidays online, along with information such as personal email addresses and the location of the London flat used by the couple, as well as the location of the MI6 Chief-to be's parents home.

She also posted work information and addresses for their children.

Crying out for a kidnap attempt if you ask me, but then again I'm no spook.

Honestly, you would think after having a husband involved in the spy trade for so long, she would have realised what she can and cannot post online. Most people I'm sure wouldn't know who he is, but I bet Osama Bin Laden and co. definitely does.

I mean, if this hadnt been spotted, what would her status' have been over time?

Can you imagine?

"Shelley Sawers: hopes her wonderful hubby doesnt get the sack after he failed to stop Al-Qaeda bombing London!"

or how about this one:

"Shelley Sawers: is off out for a meal at Nando's in Oxford Street to celebrate her hubby getting his new job as head of MI6."

I mean what will come next? Her husbands office address, or pictures of him in his office at MI6 HQ?

An investigation is set to be launched and it really needs to be - mind you, if this instance is anyting to go by, there'll be every chance that the person assigned to head the investagtion will get his wife to announce that on Facebook too.

This for me goes down as one of the stupidest things to do in all time, although John 'Canoe' Darwin also springs to mind.

"John Darwin: is just off to fake his Canoe accident death, then jetting off to Panama with the Mrs to buy a penthouse apartment" was probably his status at the time...

I doubt Osama Bin Laden and his wife even have facebook, given that theres nowhere to plug a broadband router in whilst in a cave in the hills of Afghanistan, so why do our spy chiefs need it?

Yet more evidence that the world has gone Facebook mad...

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